Decorate your Fastelavnsris (Week 8)
Family Workshop
February 17 – February 23
Every day in week 8
11 am – 4 pm
Come by the Family workshop in DAC’s Educatorium and make festive decorations for a Danish fastelavnsris when we are inspired by the wonderful world of architecture!
Is it possible to decorate a Danish fastelavnsris with architecture? It is in DAC, when we celebrate the old Danish tradition fastelavn in the Family workshop by making decorations for a fastelavnsris!
What is fastelavn anyway?
Long before Danish kids began dressing up for Halloween, they celebrated fastelavn (literally: fast+evening). Marking the beginning of shrove tide (the spring fast leading up to Easter) and similar to the carnival traditions of other countries, kids dress up, go trick-or-treating, bash an old barrel to pieces to get to the candy inside, eat a special creamy bun and makes decorations for the traditional budding twigs to decorate the home, a “fastelavnsris”.
The family workshop
Let your kids decorate their own fastelavnsris in the family workshop in DAC’s Educatorium with architecture. It is up to you if you want to decorate your fastelavnsris with the astronaut’s house or your own – we are ready with rockets and folding houses. Bring your fastelavnsris from home and decorate it with architecture in DAC’s Educatorium. You are also very welcome to bring your decorations home or to buy a fastelavnsris at the workshop.
DAC’s hosts will help you get started on creative activities inspired by our current exhibitions ‘Water is Coming’ and ‘So Danish!’. Walk through the house and let yourself inspire of the world of architecture, when we make festive fastelavnsris architecture!
The activity is free when the entry is payed. You can buy fastelavnsris in the workshop for 20 DKK.