Exhibition Opening: Water is Coming

Exhibition opening


October 7, 2024


18.30 – 21.00
Join the exhibition opening of The Water is Coming on Architecture Day. The exhibition poses the question: How can we live and dwell with water as both a life-giving resource and an uncontrollable force of nature?

The poles are melting, groundwater is rising, and cloudbursts are flooding roads and houses. In the exhibition The Water is Coming, you can explore future scenarios, visions, and solutions — both now and in the future. 

Join the exhibition opening on Architecture Day at 6:30 PM, where we will invite you for a beer, opening speech, and an architecture and design quiz with Adrian Hughes. 


10.00: DAC opens
11.00 – 13.00: Meet an Architect – personalized tours by passionate architects in So Danish!
13.00 (Danish), 14.00 (English), 15.00 (Danish): Guided tour of the new exhibition: Water is Coming
10.00 – 19.00: Children’s Workshop: Quirky Fish Hotels
16.30 – 18.15: The exhibition Water is coming is closed due to a visit from HM The King Frederik X
17.00 – 18.00: Opening of ’Socialt springvand’ in front of DAC with free beverages
18.30: Official exhibition opening of Water is coming with free beverages
19.00: Opening speeches in Water is coming 
19.30 – 20.30: Architecture and Design Quiz with Adrian Hughes
17:00-20:00: Dish of the Day in DAC Café – including kids’ meals
21:00: Thank you for the evening 
