Possible Spaces

Exhibition period

May 25 - November 26, 2018

Curated by

The exhibition is curated by Architect Natalie Mossin

The Danish submission to the 16th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia presents a Danish approach to innovation through four projects selected by curator Natalie Mossin.

The challenges posed by the built environment call for new practices, and the selected projects propose four highly differentiated solutions to sustainable development. As a framework for the narrative of experience-exchange and collaboration as prerequisites of genuine innovation, the Danish program presents BLOX – Denmark’s new Freespace for architecture, design and sustainable development.

Photo by: Sofie Stilling
Curator Natalie Mossin.
Every other year, architecture enthusiasts flock to Venice to see architects from all over the world present their challenging and inspiring ideas and projects at the legendary Biennale Architettura. The Ministry of Culture Denmark has appointed the Danish Architecture Center as commissioner of the Danish submission, and the submission is funded by the Ministry itself, the Realdania non-profit society and the Danish Arts Foundation Committee for Architecture.
“The four Danish projects showcase some of the specific strengths of the Danish architectural tradition; of interdisciplinary collaboration, and a very keen focus on sustainability. I greatly look forward to attending the Biennale Architettura 2018 and to discovering the synergies of the Danish exhibits at the opening of the exhibition in the Pavilion of Denmark,” said Minister for Culture Mette Bock.

The Danish exhibitors

Natalie Mossin’s four selected projects are: tthe new Svinkløv Badehotel seaside hotel by Praksis Arkitekter, Virgin Hyperloop One by BIG, Material Based Method K2 by CITA og Albertslund Syd by Vandkunsten.

Together with a video installation on the vision behind the newly opened BLOX, the four cases will be championing innovation and collaboration from their individual perspectives, and with a focus on their respective development agendas:

Mobilitet: Hyperloop One. How to change a world engaged in a new connectivity

How can infrastructure alter spatial relationships on a grand scale? The exhibition illustrates travel in tomorrow’s world through hyperloop, a visionary development project mounted in a collaboration between BIG and several international stakeholders, who are jointly rethinking mobility to demonstrate a radical new perception of space, landscape, time and distance.

New tools: K2. What are the potentials when architectural resources become interdisciplinary?

The researchers behind CITA and their international partners will be exhibiting an impressive installation – in terms of both scale and execution – demonstrating the potentials of developing new digital interdisciplinary design and construction methods.

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Virgin Hyperloop One
Virgin Group


Virgin Hyperloop One

Cultural identity: Svinkløv Badehotel. How can architecture recreate a sense of identity and ownership?

How do we use memory in architecture? In Denmark, everyone knows the story of Svinkløv Badehotel, the historic all-wood seaside hotel that was lost to a fire in 2016. The architectural firm of Praksis Arkitekter is now spearheading the rebuilding of the hotel in close consultation with Realdania, hotel visitors and contractors. In the Danish pavilion, the public will be invited to step inside the architectural development process behind the new hotel.

Sustainable transformation: Albertslund South. How can we convert existing housing stock into contemporary, sustainable homes?

The home of the future has already been built. In Denmark, as elsewhere in Europe, existing suburbs are characterised by the large-scale suburban planning of the 1960s and 1970s, but the residential estates lack a human scale and are unsuited to today’s family types. With the Albertslund South renovation project Vandkunsten Architects demonstrates how architects in collaboration with housing societies, contractors, a local authority and residents can redevelop existing housing stock to modernise it and enhance its environmental performance.

A common feature of the four projects is that they all represent genuinely local solutions – while demonstrating their potential in relation to the global development agendas they address.

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Fonden for Svinkløv Badehotel
Kenneth Toft-Hasen og Louise Toft-Hansen
Kristine Jensens Tegnestue
Henry Jensen A/S
Hundsbæk og Henriksen A/S
Martin Funch Rådgivende Ingeniørfirma ApS
Building Air Flow Technology
Gade og Mortensen Akustik A/S
Jammerbugt Kommune


Arkitekt Christina Capetillo
Snedker Niels Henning Bystrup
GK Kaysen
Rene Schütze

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Boligforeningen AB Syd
Boligforeningen Vridsløselille Andelsboligforening, afdeling 4 Nord
Boligforeningen Vridsløselille Andelsboligforening, afdeling 4 Syd
Wissenberg AS
Ecosistema Urbano 
Imagine Envelope
Lise Gamst
Daniel Vedel
Albertslund Kommune
Nordic Built
Genbyg AS
Asplan Viak AS
Hjellnes Consult AS
Malmö Tekniska


Arkitekt Julie Hunæus Reuther
Arkitekt Asbjørn Lund
Arkitekt Hans Becker
Arkitekt Rasmus Gulløv
Arkitekt Søren Nielsen
Carl Hansen og Søn AS (udlån af stole)
Lokalhistorisk Samling Albertslund (film)
Fabrikken for Kunst og Design (værksted).