Explore the city
on your own

Photo: Rasmus Hjortshøj
How well do you really know Copenhagen? Have you seen all of the hidden gems and the quirky details? With our our free app or guide book you can explore the city on your own.
With DAC app
Download our free app
With the Copenhagen Architecture Guide app, you get the best stories behind the city’s architecture – from the small street corners to the grand constructions. In the app, you can explore more than 300 highlights of Copenhagen’s architecture and discover thematic walks through the city created by experienced guides from Danish Architecture Center (DAC). Click on the map and see highlights near you or switch the app to “Explore” mode and receive automatic notifications when you are close to some of the exciting places in the city.
With guide book
Photo: Jeppe Carlsen
Guide to New Architecture in Copenhagen
In the latest edition of Danish Architecture Center’s Guide to New Architecture in Copenhagen, we have handpicked 100 of the most prominent recent architectural projects – parks, squares, bridges, buildings – to shed light on the development that Copenhagen is going through in these years.
We also present the Copenhagen localhoods and four Copenhageners give their recommendations for using the city.
The guide is in English and it is printed in a light weight and easy to read format – ideal for a trip around the city.
You can buy the book in DAC Design Shop and at selected bookstores.