Capture Your City

Exhibition period 

June 7 – August 30, 2019

How does it look when our cities change? See what the Danes think in the photo exhibition Capture Your City. Explore how our cities are full of quirky details, new urban spaces and beautiful architecture. Also in places where we don’t always pay attention.


This year’s theme is change in the city. Our cities change every day. And it happens fast. We adapt to climate changes, design buildings which reach towards the sky and transform old into new. But how does it all look? And are changes in the city always for the better?

Throughout Spring, thousands of architectural photographers, photo geeks and students from all over Denmark have given us their suggestions. And now a professional jury has chosen the 110 best photos to be exhibited.

The exhibition itself becomes part of Copenhagen’s city life as parts of it will travel from city square to city square over the Summer.


The exhibition has been developed by Danish Architecture Center in collaboration with Copenhagen Photo Festival, The Wall market and BrandFactory with support from Realdania.