DAC Slide

Photo: Jesper Værn Jensen

Developed by

The artist Carsten Höller and donated by
Ny Carlsbergfondet.
Supported by Realdania


Are you adventurous enough to try the fastest and wildest art installation in Copenhagen? Challenge your senses on a unique 40-meter, 4-story spiral slide.

We look forward to welcoming you to the ride of your life. DAC Slide has been created by the internationally renowned German-Belgian artist Carsten Höller, who has made similar artworks in the form of slides at leading museums around the world, including Tate Modern in London. It is an interactive art installation, an attraction, a piece of architecture and a “tool to study emotions in yourself and in other people”, says Höller.

Why are slides not used in architecture, to complement stairs, elevators and escalators?”, asks Carsten Höller. “They are fast, safe and energy-savvy – and they produce a sensation in the user that has been described as “a kind of voluptuous panic upon an otherwise lucid mind, somewhere between delight and madness”

We are very grateful that the Ny Carlsberg Foundation has chosen to donate the large art installation DAC Slide to our fantastic building.

You will find the art installation at the Exhibition Forum – next to our Gallery stairs, which you of course still can use, if you don’t dare to zip down the fast track – DAC Slide.

Ride DAC Slide safely

To try DAC Slide, you must be at least 110 cm tall and weigh a maximum of 150 kg. Only one person at a time in the Slide. Please make sure to use our slide bags and keep your legs straight and arms close to the body – especially if you’re over 1.8 meter tall. The bag will protect you against friction so you slide like a pro.

More slides

Florence, 2018

The Florence Experiment Slides, Palazzo Strozzi, Firenze. Photo: Attilio Maranzano.

London, 2015

Isomeric Slides, Decision, Hayward Gallery, London. Photo: Attilio Maranzano.

Høvikodden, 2017

Healing Slide, Henie Onstad Sanatorium, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Høvikodden. Photo: Attilio Maranzano.