The banality of good
Exhibition period
February 7 - May 25, 2014
Supported by
Udstillingen i DAC var støttet afRealdania
Curated by
The Banality of Good provided visitors with a different perspective on sustainability. The exhibition approached the concept from a social angle, in the context of urban planning.
“The Banality of Good” provided visitors with a different perspective on sustainability. The exhibition approached the concept from a social angle, in the context of urban planning.
The exhibition approached the concept from a social angle, in the context of urban planning. It was based on the so-called “New Towns”, ideal towns from seven different cities scattered across the world, including Albertslund in Denmark.
The creation of social equality
The ideal, which inspired New Towns, was the common good – the creation of social equality, equal rights and opportunities for the average working population.The towns were built throughout the world in the aftermath of World War II.
New Towns and social problems
The exhibition revealed that today many historic New Towns are undergoing major social problems. They have become ghettos, while resources are disappearing from them.
The stories of the seven New Towns have been designed allegorically in the form of wooden triptychs, resembling ancient altarpieces, and inspired by Venetian painting.
“The Banality of Good” was the creation of Dutch Crimson Architectural Historians in cooperation with The International New Town Institute.