Pumping Station
Herjedalgade 7, 2300 Copenhagen S
Sunday 10-17
- Hoist / ramp / level access to the front door
- Level access in the building / site (no stairs)
- Level access to outdoor areas
- Lift
- Accessible restroom
- Locked doors can be opened from the outside in case of emergency
- Chairs or benches to rest on
- Possible to eat / drink
- Disabled parking
- Teleloop
- Member of Solsikkesnoren
- Member of God adgang
You may not think about it on a daily basis. But when we flush, where does our waste actually go? One place is the Kløvermarken Pumping Station, which you can visit during Open House.
Between the soccer fields on Kløvermarken and the Amagerbro district lies the Kløvermarken Pumping Station – comprising a historical building from 1901 and a modern plant from 2019. During Open House, you can visit the beautiful old building with the arched windows. And take a look inside the state-of-the-art plant, where much of the wastewater from Copenhagen is collected and pumped to the Lynetten Treatment Plant.
High-tech Plant in Historical Surroundings
In the mid-1850s, Copenhagen grew into a big city and it was necessary modernize the sanitation system. Groundwater wells provided clean drinking water, a sewer system replaced the open gutters, and the Kløvermarken Pumping Station was built according to a design by Ludvig Fenger to manage both rainwater and wastewater. The high-tech plant was in use from 1901 to 2019, at which time a larger pumping station was built in the same historical surroundings.
C. F. Møller built the new pumping station, which is designed to handle the increasing number of cloudbursts and storm floods caused by climate change. The Kløvermarken Pumping Station is the largest sewage pumping station in Denmark.
Visit Denmark’s Largest Sewage Pumping Station
You have a unique opportunity to explore the state-of-the-art plant in Christianshavn, which handles much of Copenhagen’s wastewater. Admire the old pumping station, which is currently empty, and take a look inside the machine room when the doors open to a world of pumps, pipes and enormous volumes of wastewater during Open House.