KMC Nordhavn

Photo: Heidi
Nordsøvej 4, 2150 Nordhavn
Sunday 10-17
- Hoist / ramp / level access to the front door
- Level access in the building / site (no stairs)
- Level access to outdoor areas
- Lift
- Accessible restroom
- Locked doors can be opened from the outside in case of emergency
- Chairs or benches to rest on
- Possible to eat / drink
- Disabled parking
- Teleloop
- Member of Solsikkesnoren
- Member of God adgang
A giant camel has made itself comfortable in the Nordhavnstippen nature reserve in the northern section of Copenhagen’s Nordhavn. This is the home of the European green toad, a protected species, as well as the KMC environmental center. During Open House, you can visit KMC Nordhavn and experience the spectacular building that has become one with nature.
Despite its distinctive look, the long, zigzagging building with the green roof blends into the surrounding landscape and nature reserve west of the building. At the same time, it marks the entrance to a landfill area where a small unit within the City of Copenhagen’s Technical and Environmental Administration, KMC, is located. Thanks to its two “humps”, KMC Nordhavn has been nicknamed The Camel.
Zero-Energy Building with 13-Meter-High Ceiling
This spectacular zero-energy building was designed by architectural firm Christensen & Co. It is home to KMC, the organization that operates the landfill for contaminated soil in Nordhavn. The administration staff work out of the office section, which has room for 10 workstations, while the heated workshop with the 13-meter-high ceiling is used for repair and maintenance of the heavy earth-moving machinery used on site.
Meet the Architects
During Open House, you’re invited to take a look inside an office building designed from the outset to promote a healthy working environment. The green wall and indoor trees ensure good acoustics and all workstations are located on the upper floor, where the daylight flows in through the huge facade windows and skylights.
During Open House, you also have a unique opportunity to meet the architects from Christensen & Co., who will be present to talk about the project on Sunday, 2-4 pm. And while you’re there, don’t forget to take a stroll through the Nordhavnstippen nature reserve, where the European green toad lives in symbiosis with The Camel.