
Photo: Nadia Horsted

Entrance from Kapelvej 17-19,
2200 Copenhagen N


Saturday and Sunday 10-17


  • Hoist / ramp / level access to the front door
  • Level access in the building / site (no stairs)
  • Level access to outdoor areas
  • Lift
  • Accessible restroom
  • Locked doors can be opened from the outside in case of emergency
  • Chairs or benches to rest on
  • Possible to eat / drink
  • Disabled parking
  • Teleloop
  • Member of Solsikkesnoren
  • Member of God adgang

In Nørrebro, some of the private courtyards are actually open to the public –but few know about them! One such courtyard is at the heart of the Bangertsgade residential block. Take a look inside the cozy courtyard with the large apple tree during Open House – and learn something new about your city or your neighborhood!

The courtyard is situated near the entrance to Assistens Cemetery on Kapelvej at the heart of the Bangertsgade residential block. Facing Kapelvej, you are met by three tall, beautiful trees and a ball cage. But the courtyard has much more to offer.

History of Copenhagen’s Courtyards

During the 1980s, the inner Nørrebro area was extensively revitalized, especially in this particular area. All the back buildings on the block and many of the buildings around the central courtyard were torn down.

They were replaced by new residential buildings that still stand today. A few of the properties, especially those facing Griffenfeldsgade, were preserved, making this courtyard an interesting combination of old and new.

The original focus of the urban revitalization of the 1970s and 80s was to bring light and fresh air to the districts outside the city center, known as the brokvarterer. Later, the focus shifted to recreation, play and common areas –of which this courtyard is an early example. Today, the City of Copenhagen is striving to incorporate urban nature, sustainability and rainwater management into the new green courtyards. During Open House, you’ll get a chance to explore a variety of these courtyards –both old and new.

Inviting Alcoves

The courtyard at the center of the Bangertsgade residential block is a delightful patchwork of large bushes, old trees and climbing plants, creating inviting little alcoves where city dwellers can enjoy a quiet moment with a cup of coffee. In the middle is an open lawn and a playground to cater to all ages. Drop by during Open House and take an exclusive look at ten very different green courtyards –and perhaps find your own favorite!