

October 2, 2023
10.00 – 21.00

Free admission

There is free admission to DAC for everyone on Architecture Day.

World Architecture Day is on the first Monday in October! At DAC, we’re celebrating with free admission, extended opening hours and lots of activities.

World Architecture Day is marked throughout the world on the first Monday in October. At DAC, an otherwise dull Monday is transformed into a festive occasion – last year more than 3,000 visitors attended.

This year, you can join a talk with author Knud Romer (in Danish) accompanied by music by Katinka, or you can test your knowledge in an Architecture Quiz with host Adrian Hughes (in Danish). Two teams and the audience will be tested, for example when Adrian mimes a building!

Or why not take the kids to our Family Workshop or try one of our popular free guided tours (in Danish)?

On Architecture Day you can meet retired architects when they share their personal view on architecture during short tours in DAC’s ‘So Danish’ exhibition. If you would rather join a tour of the ‘Copenhagen in Common’ exhibition, there will be a guided tour with a DAC host in English. There will also be a guided tour in the exhibition Tales of the City by CEO Thomas Kock, WERK (in Danish).


All day: Free admission
10.00: DAC opens
11.00-13.00: Meet an Architect – personalized tours with members of the Danish Association of Architects (DK/ENG)
13.00-13.45: Guided tour in ’Copenhagen in Common’ with DAC host (DK) 
13.00-13.45: Guided tour of Tales of the City w. CEO Thomas Kock, WERK (DK)
15.00-19.00: Family workshop with face paint (DK/ENG)
15.30-16.15: Architecture Quiz with Adrian Hughes (DK)
16.30-18.00: Talk with Knud Romer & music by Katinka (DK)
17.00-18.00: Evening tour around the Inner Harbour – free with sign-up (DK)
18.30-19.15: Guided tour in ’Copenhagen in Common’ with DAC host (ENG)
17.00-20.00: Dish of the Day in DAC café
21.00: DAC closes

Facts about Architecture Day

World Architecture Day was initiated in 1988 by the international union of architects, UIA. In Denmark, the Danish Association of Architects organizes the overall event. The day is celebrated with events and activities throughout Denmark which show the importance of architecture in society and in our daily life.

World Architecture Day in DAC has been created in collaboration with the Danish Association of Architects and World Capital of Architecture 2023.

Meet an architect – guided exhibition tours

Time: 11.00 – 19.30

At World Architecture Day you can join free guided tours in DAC’s exhibitions – either with DAC hosts or with members of the Danish Association of Architects. Together with the association we’re inviting experienced architects to share tales from their life in architecture and their personal outlook.

Family workshop

Time: 15.00 – 19.00

At Architecture Day you can stop by DAC on your way home and make a beautiful plant print or get one of Copenhagen’s towers painted on our cheek! Join the Family Workshop in the Educatorium where DAC’s hosts will help you get started with creative activities that connect to our current exhibition ‘Copenhagen in Common’