City Hall

Rådhuspladsen 1,
1550 Copenhagen K
Saturday 10-17
- Hoist / ramp / level access to the front door
- Level access in the building / site (no stairs)
- Level access to outdoor areas
- Lift
- Accessible restroom
- Locked doors can be opened from the outside in case of emergency
- Chairs or benches to rest on
- Possible to eat / drink
- Disabled parking
- Teleloop
- Member of Solsikkesnoren
- Member of God adgang
Copenhagen City Hall is considered by many to be a masterpiece of Danish and Nordic architecture. And it is truly an impressive work, where every detail, every relief and every piece of furniture was carefully designed for the building. During Open House, you can experience some of the rooms that are typically reserved for the Lord Mayor, Copenhagen’s politicians, and celebrations of great sporting achievements.
Every year starts and ends with the sound of the bells in the clock tower of Copenhagen City Hall, and the building’s crepe-style pancakes, called Rådhuspandekager, are legendary. Come inside at Rådhuspladsen 1, a building with so many details that a full-time painter is employed to maintain it – and when the job is done, the painter can start all over again!
They don’t build Danish churches in Italy, after all
Copenhagen City Hall was designed by architect Martin Nyrop and took 13 years to build. It is inspired by Danish medieval architecture and built according to Danish craftsmanship traditions and with the highest quality materials. Unlike many of his contemporaries, Nyrop felt that it didn’t make sense to copy the architectural traditions of other countries.
A very Danish building
Instead, Nyrop found meaning in traditional Danish craftsmanship and symbols relating to Denmark’s fauna, the North Atlantic sea and the Danish people. There are no exotic lions to be found, but rather walruses and bears. The building materials – predominantly brick, Bornholm granite and wood – are also locally sourced.
However, Nyrop did take some inspiration from abroad – for example, the asymmetrical placement of the tower is inspired by the city hall in Sienna, Italy.
Experience these three rooms
During Open House, you can experience three rooms that are normally closed to the public. The first is the Magistrate Hall, which is the Lord Mayor’s meeting room. The second is the Celebration Hall, where great sporting achievements are honored on the balcony overlooking the square. And the third is the Municipal Council’s Hall, where Copenhagen’s politicians assemble.