The Old

Book your ticket by clicking the link in the email we have sent to all holders of a valid ticket for Open House.
1240 Copenhagen K
Sunday 10-14.30
- Hoist / ramp / level access to the front door
- Level access in the building / site (no stairs)
- Level access to outdoor areas
- Lift
- Accessible restroom
- Locked doors can be opened from the outside in case of emergency
- Chairs or benches to rest on
- Possible to eat / drink
- Disabled parking
- Teleloop
- Member of Solsikkesnoren
- Member of God adgang
Most people who have walked around Slotsholmen and Christiansborg Palace have seen the former buildings of the Danish National Archives – the Kunstkammer Building, the Gehejme Archive and the Zuberske Building – from the outside. Very few know the names and history of these buildings, but now you have the opportunity to come inside.
Across from Christiansborg Palace are a number of buildings that formerly housed the Danish National Archives until they relocated in 2021 to the nearby Kalvebod Brygge. Comprising more than 9,000 square meters of floor space, the buildings now belong to the Danish Parliament, and the plan is for the buildings to eventually be used to support the Parliament’s activities that aim to engage citizens. However, the buildings are still closed to the public – except during Open House.
Books, art treasures and cannons
The Kunstkammer (Art Chamber) Building is the largest and oldest of the three buildings. It was commissioned by Frederik III, five years after he introduced absolute monarchy through a coup d’état in 1660. Copenhagen Castle had become cramped, and the king – a well-read and avid collector – needed a place for his many books, art treasures and, not least, cannons. However, King Frederik III died before the building was completed.
Historic archives and book collections
The need for space continued to grow, and in 1715 Gehejme Archive was built, which was used, under King Frederik IV, to house the king’s historical archive. The book collection of the Royal Danish Library, which at the time was stored in the Kunstkammer Building, also expanded greatly during this period. Therefore, the Zuberske Building was constructed in 1785 as an extension to the Kunstkammer Building – and it stands nearly unaltered since the time it was built.
On the tour you will explore all three buildings, which were taken over by the Danish Parliament after the relocation of the Danish National Archives. This is a great chance to admire the architecture and hear about the history of the buildings.