Photo by: Rasmus Hjortshøj, COAST Studio
Art of Many and The Right to Space
Now, the Danish contribution to last year’s Venice Biennale of Architecture is coming home to the Danish Architecture Center. The exhibition, Art of Many and The Right to Space shows how Danish architects insist on creating high quality architecture to benefit the community as a whole – not just the select few.
Photo by: Rasmus Hjortshøj, COAST Studio
The exhibition does not just present the work of one Danish architect. It presents more than 70 architectural practices and in excess of 130 models, which together reveal the extensive social commitment and the humanistic approach that are the hallmarks of Danish architecture. You can also encounter one of the major advocates of humanistic architecture, Professor Jan Gehl, in a large-scale video installation.
‘Art of Many and The Right to Space’ was Denmark’s contribution to last year’s Venice Biennale of Architecture. The Biennale isthearchitecture event. Countries from all over the world exhibit their interpretations of a theme selected by the main curator.
Photo by: Rasmus Hjortshøj, COAST Studio
The Danish Architecture Center was appointed by Ministry of Culture Denmark as commissioner for the official Danish contribution to the 15th International Biennale of Architecture in Venice. The project was funded by Realdania, Ministry of Culture Denmark, the Danish Arts Foundation’s Committee for Architecture Grants and Project Funding, the Dreyer Foundation and the New Carlsberg Foundation.
‘Art of Many and The Right to Space’ was curated by Boris Brorman Jensen and Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss.
The exhibition was the result of close collaboration with the Danish Arts Foundation’s Committee for Architecture Grants and Project Funding.
Video from the exhibition
Exhibition period
April 23 - September 30, 2017
Supported by
Realdania, Kulturministeriet, Statens Kunstfonds Legat- og Projektstøtteudvalg for Arkitektur, Dreyers Fond and Ny Carlsberg Fondet
Curated by
Boris Brorman Jensen and Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss.